View from our kitchen window:
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
Some things change... other don't
The Best Boyfriend Ever is older again....
His birthday cake: delicious bread&jam cake (BTW: jam of albicocca+rosmarino=mniam! :-)
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Skiing season
However, it is not a problem in here :-)
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Homemade pizza
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Lysfesten i Bergen
Two loose comments:
- for the first time in my life I have seen fireworks at 5p.m. :-)
- for the first time I have seen so many people in Bergen (and Norway) :-)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Two Poles more in England, just for a weekend
Very positive and intense days...
Great time with some good old friends:
Some good food: great buffet in Chinatown and Indian food on Brick Lane :-)
and some very good beer:
plus some 'extreme weather conditions' looking a bit like ordinary November weather in Bergen:

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Very intense weekend of our friend
- talk, talk, talk, probably also about you :-p,
- see some interesting/nice/ugly/old/ new places,
- drink very 'special' norwegian coffe in a souvenir shop. That was very 'unique' considering the fact, that most of the caffee bars are opened between May and September only...
- try different forms of fish and potatoes,
- taste some norwegian (and not only norwegian) beer,
- have fun,
- discuss the potentials of fitting norwegian landscape into the frame of the LPIS... no, just kidding!!!!
even if they look like drawings done by 6 years old Ingrid one month ago :-)
Monday, 2 November 2009
Crash course of Norwegian culture ;-)
Not only because of that I've spent some time digging on YouTube, trying to find out who is the most popular norwegian singer, band, actor etc.
Well, I have not found what I was looking for, but something even better :-)
...the typical norwegian costume = "grilldress" :D
... skal vi pule, da? = will we f..k then?
We have a sort of heavy metal neighbours next door and indeed sometimes they listen to some disco music :-)
Monday, 26 October 2009
So here I go:
Some photos from our trip to Osterfjorden – amazingly quiet and wild area
Slottet - 180m of vertical wall:
Around 200m msl - water and the ground already frozen
Mo - lovely village with a sandy beach!!!!
Undisturbed silence:

Saturday, 24 October 2009
the best gift for newcomers in Bergen :-)
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Monday, 12 October 2009
Archipelago west of Bergen
Armed with a bar of chocolate and the guidebook we spent some nice hours on the coast west of Bergen...
Views from the top of Turøyvarden:

It was pretty windy...
and even the best (and the bravest of course!) boyfriend ever was afraid that his favorite cap would be blown away...
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Looking for positives ;-)
Anyway, even if my maternity will be now postponed even more, I have the final paper confirming my work/residence permit!!!
Now only 3 weeks of waiting for the final ID number and ....I will have to notify all the places where I have registered with the temporal ID number, means:
+ the telephone company,
+ my bank - new credit card will have to be issued!,
+ car registration office - new registration card for our car will have to be issued!
Well, the administration staff should not be worried about their positions, there are always plenty numbers to change, papers to update etc...
Ok, some positives now: after heavy rain the view from my office looks like that:
Monday, 5 October 2009
Friday, 2 October 2009
Sunshine and first whitefrost
The good news is: we had 2 days of sunshine in here :-) The bad news is: the Best Boyfriend Ever missed them (he went to PL) ;-) The next sunny days are forseen around springtime 2010!!! Black humor...
Anyway, I have taken very nice photo of myslef in the sun :-)
I found the address of a Polish hairdresser in the internet. It was just 3 blocks away from our house, on my way back from the office....
For this 40minutes that I've spent at her place I was feeling like being in Poland again: her kids running around on the playground shouting in Polish, her husband passing by the office, asking when the dinner will be ready (!!!! as he would not have hands) and a polish TV station in the backround showing 1564. chapter of a polish soap opera...
As usuall, the haitcut does not look as it looked on the photo, but that is quite international problem... or maybe it is just me?
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Lazy weekend :-)
Finally, after several days of looking for furniture, buying and assembling furniture and finally unpacking boxes and suitcases, our flat looks more or less like ready :-)
There are still some holes to drill but.... we have time... It is a lazy weekend...:-]
Friday, 18 September 2009
Double efficiency!
Another great news is: beeing an administration officer it is possible to be helpful and kind to the clients :-) Apparently noone told about this to the adminstration in Poland...
Anyway, everything goes easier when you are two...
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Warm welcome
11C and raining... well, the welcome will be very warm anyway!!!!

I run to the harbour!!!!
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Day of gold medals?

Update: Yeeeeeeeessss!!!! For the first time in the history of European Volleyball Championships: gold medal for Poland!!!
Super news from Italy!!!

P.S. M and C, please remember that we need to book the flight tickets for your wedding quite in advance ;-) Just kidding...
Monday, 7 September 2009
Music- and light theraphy
Anyway, after 1 hour fight with meters of cables and 2 remote controles I was able to listen to our brand new audio system :-)
So here I am: sitting in front of the energy lamp (yes, I already need it!) and listening to relaxing music (soundtrack of 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' - highly recommended if you like spanish guitar!)...
I'd better finish writing and focus on serotonin production ;-)

Saturday, 5 September 2009
Second day without one drop of rain!
Any wherever I look around, I see good places for take-offs...

The good news is: the truck with our inventory should arrive tomorrow!
Yuppi!!! That means that I will not have to decide anymore what I want more:
- eat something warm
- or drink tea, coffee etc.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Final "goodbye Italy"
The Best Boyfriend Ever (tBBE) left Italy for good and after 22hours (!!!stuborn...%^&£%%) of driving alone arrived home (PL) safely.
A goodbye story:
Just before leaving Ranco tBBE was accused of leaving garbage in a prohibited place. Yes, the sheriff of Ranco (yes, the one hunting usually for some unfasten seat belts or not working bulbs close to the roundabout in Uppone) found a bag full of paper in front of the “platforma ecologica” and was able to trace back the wastes (old envelopes with our names). By a chance sheriff met tBBE in the Comune of Ranco and announced that this violation of the law costs 150Euro... The fact that they only collect paper once every 2 weeks and there is no other/better place than "platforma ecologica" where one could leave wastes did not help.
So remember: before throwing your wastes in Foresteria, look around!!!
Sheriff is watching! :-)
Sunday, 30 August 2009
First night in the new flat :-)
In the end I watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona and had a cup of tee.
Tee: You cannot buy any alcohol after 20:00 in the working days and after 18:00 during the weekend! I was at the cassa at 18:10!
Vicky Cristina Barcelona: In order to see some sunny place (Barcelona & Oviedo)!!!
Have a look at the weather forecast here in order to understand...
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Busy days...
Norwegian ID number:
Today I have received my temporal ID number (D-number). Only 5 working days when I was told to wait 2-3 weeks. Well done!
Bank account:
The magic D-number gives me a possibility to open a bank account!!! Not everywhere of course, and not in the bank that I would like to choose, but at least I have a possibility. And it will take only 10 days to have it working (wrr)!!!
Tax card:
I was kindly informed that I will pay 36% of my salary to the Norwegian state. Fortunately the Norwegian State does not want all my spare money and it decided to give me a discount on the taxes in the first 2 years. So the effective tax to be paid is ~32% ...and believe me, I dot earn SO much!
These numbers are very motivating to use my full rights to the unemployment benefit and the maternity leave at the end of my contract (yes, this time I will!).
The flat:
- our new flat seems to be fine and big enough. I probably on write so because I do not know the neighbors yet and the flat is almost empty (the truck with our inventory should arrive in some days),
- on the next day after I had signed the rental agreement, the Best Boyfriend Ever (tBBE) found an advert of a furnished flat in a good location, generally looking twice better than ours and only slightly more expensive,
- I asked tBBE not to show me these kind of things anymore ;-)
Final removal:
- Mrs. Mariola, our contact point from the removal company, has a 3weeks old baby and she is forgetting some things, even the important ones (like should we pay the VAT or not),
- tBBE is very happy - all the new toys that we bought arrived on time (the last one only today!) to be packed on the truck on Monday, (well done!),
- we both hope (me and tBBE) that Mrs. Mariola will not forget where to send the truck ;-)
- looks great via skype videocall :-),
- is tired and stressed (no progress in his PhD for last ... days),
- between 1st and 16th of Sept will travel more than 3400km,
- will hug me in 18 days!!!
Sunday, 23 August 2009
First visitor !!!!
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Ufff, probably we have a flat!
Yes, yes, yes!!!!
Most probably we have a proper place to stay for the next years!
Ufff, I feel much better now... and Lorenzo is coming tonight – just perfect timing for celebration!
Definitely, I like Saturdays!!!
P.S. I have seen a lot of different types of rain in here, but I discovered today that there can be a beautiful sunshine and pour rain at the same time :-)
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Public data
I have entered name of one of my colleagues and added "Bergen" in google search engine. Result: a point on the map indicating his address together with his home and mobile number!!!
After several minutes of searching I was also able to find out how much he earns.
That is scary!!!!
Anyway, probably this is the reason why you have to wait 5 months in order to get the residence permit - they collect all the data and enter them into google databases ;-)
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
One of the sunny days!!!
I took the opportunity to walk a bit around and actually I felt kind of weird wearing a jacket when most of the people around had just T-shirts on them.
The photos below were collected during the walk and thay are not showing any posters or postcards. (Yes, there are some flowers here, Mom!)

Tuesday, 18 August 2009
First day at work ...
I received a resonable dose of the administrative information and will get quite strong support with fixing all the formalities on arrival: registration on the police station and the request for the tax card. The laptop together with all the accounts were ready...
Really well organised...
As I was told, representatives of 27 different nations are working at CIPR. Including myself there are 1.5 Poles... I haven't met the 0.5 Pole yet ;-)
Reactions on the fact that 'Ola' is a shortname from 'Aleksandra':
* 'Ola'? It sounds rather Spanish...
* 'Ola'? What does it stands for?
* 'Ola'? Oh really? We use it here as well ... for males!
About the weather:
It is very difficult to decide whether it is still summer of already autumn:
But actually it is not important, you will get wet anyway ;-)