Tuesday 29 March 2011

too fast?

If you sometimes feel like your life is passing too fast (like I do nowadays) spend 4 minutes to watch the cartoon below and you will appreciate again  all the time you have :-)

(sent by A.)


Thursday 24 March 2011

where is your train?

Where are and how fast go trains in Switzerland ???
Check this out: http://www.swisstrains.ch/ !!! (found by TBBE again :-)

BTW, there is still no proper map of the public transport in Bergen, even paper version....


Wednesday 23 March 2011

Warmth of the sun and not only...

A wonderful weekend, full of talks, joy, laughing, stories, sunshine, food, beer and wine :-)
Exactly what we needed after (too)long winter...

In Brugge:

Leffe brune and myself:


Autographs from the most talented contemporary painter from Modena:

Thanks again guys!!!


Thursday 17 March 2011

reunion in Brussels

We go to Brussels tomorrow to see the good, old, guys :-)
Seeing friends, a bit of sightseeing, 10 degrees more than here, good beer in reasonable prices and street markets... sounds like a very nice weekend to me :-D


Friday 11 March 2011

first post from Ubuntu

Last weekend I finally installed Ubuntu on my laptop (in parallel to the old WinXp). Everything went pretty smooth, mainly thanks to drTBBE who tested the same thing 2 weeks earlier so I mostly avoided his mistakes.
But afterwards I decided to 'refresh' my WinXp and restore it from a system image. That took 5 times more time than installation of Ubuntu! Not to mention that I had to recreate the MBR and one partition of my hard drive... wrr.....
Anyway, I start to like Ubuntu more and more :-)
So far I did not have install any additional drivers and all the basic devices work fine. It starts in about 15s and shuts down in 4s. It is pretty intuitive and I really appreciate working with several workspaces. There is plenty of things to learn but I am looking forward!!!!
If I only had more time to spend on that...


Tuesday 1 March 2011

older again!!!!

I am one year older again!!!
It was a pretty busy year...
The 31. year of my life in short:

the prof side:
  • coming back to studying and attending lectures (informatics!) was fun but I must say that I felt pretty old among the master students. And passing exams, even with A grades, was definitely weird :-)
  • I realized that if I was about to start my master studies now, I would choose studying visualization
  • I have also discovered that learning Norwegian is completely pointless because even if I am able to ask a question correctly I am never able to understand the answer and have to ask again in English...
  • I do not think I will be ready with my PhD thesis on time...
the priv side:
  • TBBE became a doctor! :-D
  • we managed to see some of the old good friends and even make some new friendships :-D
  • we were travelling quite a lot (but not as much as I would like to...)
  • we started fishing :-)
  • and tried cross-country skiing a couple of times :-D
  • no paragliding though :-(
  • I started to appreciate each minute of sunshine :-)
  • I bought my first anti-age face cream (too late I guess..)
This year's birthday was also the first birthday in my life spent on skiing

and for the first time in my life I got a surprise party and almost 50 balloons!!!
Precisely 47 balloons + one broken (I counted just for you Andreas!)
Thanks again Guys!!! :-D
