Friday 9 December 2011

wow, that was intense!

Well, I did not really believe that it would happen, but it has happened! :D
Within the last 6 days I managed to:
1. convince myself that submitting a paper for a conference in another research domain makes sense,
2. prepare a user study,
3. the users managed to test my little software,
4. write a 10 pages paper from scratches!!!!
Not to mention creation of an introductory video for the users....
Good feedback from my superiors and a long list of ideas about improvements in my software ;-)

The conference has a 20% rate of acceptance so I really doubt that we will be lucky, but the work is done and described. One small step closer to get a PhD :-)

Hopefully now drTBBE will stop calling me: "stress ball"!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats! We are happy that the stress ball is gone for a while :) R
