Sunday 30 January 2011

cross-country skiing - first try

Finally!!! Two hours of cross-country skiing in Kvamskogen!!!
Pretty short, I know, but considering the fact that it was the first time and that we went to bed at 4am on the day before and had 6 hours of sleep only - not too bad in the end.
The day was sunny, the area - beautiful and going up was much easier that we imagined.
TBBE is snowboarding so having two pieces of wood tied to his feet was a completely new experience for him. And, as usually, he did very well :-) In fact he was much better in going down then I was!!! It was pretty icy and we did not have too much control over the speed. I gained a couple of new blue spots but I do not want Spring to come soon anymore :-)


1 comment:

  1. I still didn't try it! But I will soon, at least I hope
