Tuesday 2 March 2010

Model of happiness

Let's summarize:
- our flat looks like after tornado (no cleaning in last 3 weeks),
- kitchen looks like.. well, without dishwasher probably we'd have to eat from plastic,
- fridge: not too many things, except of light and a couple of things, that we were not hungry and/or brave enough to eat,
- reserves of pasta, rice, sugar, coffee etc. - gone (including "Chinese soups"),
- wood for fireplace - just about to be finished,
- our Polo - covered with 40-60cm layer of snow (we still haven't bought shovel!),
- my leg depilatory is broken,
- I have just turned 30,
- TBBE left me alone with all that mess and flew back to Poland......
- I am very, very tired....

And it feels so GREAT!!!!!! Marvellous, excellent, just perfect!!!!
I have been waiting for this moment for so looong time!!!!

TBBE is handing in the draft of his thesis on Friday,
this Friday :-)

Chances, that our life will come back to normality, are growing.....

1 comment:

  1. wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji 30 (tzn. kolejnych 18 urodzin !!!) - czyżbyś również obchodziła urodziny 3 marca?
    co do bałaganu - więcej zdjęć !!! :-)
